Network State

Press Release: Network States & New Countries: Relations with Nation States

The fifth webinar in the highly anticipated “Network States and New Countries” series, titled “Relations with Nation States,” was successfully held on May 31, 2024. The event, hosted by Vahram Ayvazyan, founder of the Panarmenian Network State, brought together prominent voices in the field to discuss the expanding role of Network States and their essential communication with Nation States.

Vahram Ayvazyan kicked off the session by introducing the esteemed speakers and sharing his insights on the topic. He highlighted the rapid expansion of Network States and underscored the urgency of integrating these entities into the global political agenda. He emphasized the critical need for Network States to establish meaningful dialogues with traditional Nation States to ensure mutual understanding and cooperation.

Jim Yuan provided thought-provoking perspectives into foundational principles of Network States and parallel startup societies, such as those around building for entrepreneurial product-market fit, building for interactive communities, and building for peaceful developmental collaborations.

Joshua A. Haarbrink elaborated on the dynamic relationship between Network States and Nation States. He highlighted how Network States can avoid directly challenging traditional Nation States by focusing on building parallel systems and solutions that serve human needs.

Shiwen Yap delved into the key relationships for Network States within the region. He specifically examined the interactions between China and Russia, the European Union and Russia, and India and China.

The webinar concluded with an engaging question-and-answer session. The session facilitated a deeper understanding of the topics discussed and allowed for a robust exchange of ideas.

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