Taking into account the existential threats and security challenges that the World Armenians and Armenian civilization face, which commenced with Armenian massacres that occurred in the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century, partially carried out through the Armenian Genocide of 1915, Turkish armies’ invasions to Eastern Armenia in 1918 and 1920, then annexation of the Republic of Armenia by an illegal treaty signed between Russia and Turkey in 1921 in Moscow; Stating that the Armenian people face the same existential threats and security challenges in the 21st century, especially after the war unleashed by Azerbaijan and Turkey on September 27, 2020, and after the dismemberment of Armenian Artsakh by the Russian-Turkish consent; Being convinced that the sustenance of the Armenian people can be ensured only in the territory of its origin and historical development – the Armenian Highlands, and that the World Armenians as an ethnic unit with a unique identity can survive and develop only under a viable Armenian statehood; United around the idea of protection and development of the Armenian statehood,
Being convinced that the sustenance of the Armenian people can be ensured only in the territory of its origin and historical development – the Armenian Highlands, and that the World Armenians as an ethnic unit with a unique identity can survive and develop only under a viable Armenian statehood.
Our goal is to build a free, united and sovereign Armenia, as well as to ensure the security and protection of the rights of the World Armenians anywhere in the world.
Consolidation of intellectual and material resources of the World Armenians
Establishment of systems and mechanisms ensuring the sovereignty and continuous development of the Armenian statehood
Overcoming the security challenges that the Armenian statehood and the World Armenians face
The protection and development of the Armenian civilization.
We establish cooperation with each other by observing the following principles:
Is Panarmenian cooperation with Armenia as its center, in the framework of which every citizen is guided by "Armenia-centrism", i.e. based on a philosophy "all for Armenian statehood"
Ensures the rebuilding of the public value system and establishment of a demanding elite aimed at state and national interests
Carries out the protection and development of the Armenian statehood and Armenian civilization through its citizens, structures and mechanisms
Carries out the protection of its citizens regardless of their place of residence through its structures and mechanisms.